Written by: m.wilson

Expecting female athletes to compete against transgender women represents a needless conformity with the long-held traditions of sports existing since antiquity – and could result in many negative outcomes such as: Mandated medical procedures that will be unhealthy and unsustainable for transgender players; the degradation and dis-empowerment of cisgender (born as) women in sports careers, and may put pressure on children to begin sex-changing medical treatments during/before puberty so they can be female enough to qualify when they’re older – all of which hardly seems ethical!

In ancient Greece, females were not allowed to perform in or even observe the Olympics. However, single girls could compete in the Heraean games, which took place every four years. The event was a girls-only foot race organized and supervised by a committee of 16 women headquartered in Elis. Of course, modern society has evolved far beyond sentencing married women to death simply for watching males compete in sports, but we have continued with the custom of the Olympic Games, and today it is a symbol of world peace; along with the practice of “segregating” the genders, which now serves to provide women with “separate but equal” status in sport and helps to ensure fair play (Chan et al. BMC Psychology, 2024).

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So then, how does transgender fit into such a design? “Trans” means to change or transfer – one’s gender from male to female, implicating the argument – do men fully and actually change into women as a result of the current medical treatments like hormones? Many currently reviewing the issue state that men do actually become women – (that somehow gender can be transmuted alchemically by achieving a specific testosterone count for example). Therefore, transgender women should be competing against cisgender women in sports.

However, is it really fair to require any additional contortion beyond what transgenders are already doing to be regarded as “female?” And why should they have to participate as women just because they present themselves that way? How would it factor outside of personal benefit, since when watching the Olympics, for example, most people, the majority of the time, will be able to discern who is male and who is female by looking at any particular athlete. Sports audiences will be able to see a man with some type of feminine attribute performing more powerfully than a cisgender woman, OR a male competing against a feminine-looking man.

It would be helpful to have additional information via the media regarding transgenders who were not allowed to participate in the 2024 Olympics in France – if the athletes who were rejected as women had the option to join as males? And if such a proposition would mean more than a matter of pulling the hair back, wearing a flattening bra, and removing make-up, for example? How impossible would such an option be? (Since there are people manufacturing said hormones involuntarily)!

It makes a lot of sense for transgender women to compete as males, and it is easy to imagine how being able to watch transgender women winning in competitions against men (and looking female), could be inspiring and exciting for females; [and in a way similar yet different than when watching (anorexic) female superheroes kicking men’s asses in films].


Gender dysphoria is a condition that is not considered gay, and the American Psychiatric Association states that gender orientation and gender identity are two completely different things. So in a way, (respectfully) it might be suggested that biologically altered transgenderism has as much to do with bio-industrial human adaptation and futurism as it does with LGBTQ. It is certainly a topic that often begins and ends with science. Despite this, there just isn’t much discussion about healing the dysphoria to reduce the “distress” people are feeling inside about their bodies, and especially where the sexual gratification/pleasure aspect appears dubious. Meanwhile, many in the public desire to be broadly supportive as if transgender athletes are simply “out,” and accept without question the risks of maintaining a specified, unnatural chemistry only to present as female by way of grouping in sports, and which over the course of one’s career, could be harmful long-term.

Author: ADMIN